Latin expressions explained (31): Vox populi, vox Dei.

Latin expressions explained (31): Vox populi, vox Dei.

This Latin expression illustrates the significance of the people in governance, particularly during the Roman Republic, and also during the empire (from -27 onwards). The plebs, the lowest social class in Rome, has always played a crucial role.

Thus, the expression vox populi vox Dei translates to « the voice of the people is the voice of God », implying that the people are always right, and therefore their judgment and opinion should always be followed. This expression remains relevant in modern democracies where the people vote and assert their voice.

In English, the expression is often shortened to vox populi to refer to the demands of the people or the results of an election.

The vox populi calls for the resignation of the government. (The people demand the resignation of the government…)

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