Latin expressions explained: summun jus, summa injuria.
The Latin expression summun jus, summa injuria is mentioned in several of Cicero’s speeches. Cicero was a Roman orator, lawyer, and politician living in the first century BCE. He is considered one of the greatest orators in the history of ancient Rome. In addition to his legal career, Cicero was also an active politician, serving as consul in 63 BCE. He was involved in many of the great political and moral debates of his time, defending the principles of democracy and justice.
Summun jus, summa injuria is a Latin expression that means « the maximum law is the greatest injustice » or « excess of law leads to injustice ». This expression highlights the importance of finding a balance between individual rights and the protection of society as a whole.
In terms of tyranny, the expression summun jus, summa injuria can be understood as a warning against governments that abuse their power to suppress individual rights and fundamental freedoms. When governments exercise excessive power, they may violate the rights of citizens and cause injustice. But this thought can also apply to a person who exercises their right excessively, causing harm to others.
Therefore, the law should be flexible to adapt to situations, in order to maintain a balance between the general interest and the individual interest.
Example: The government intends to enforce the law to the letter, but beware of tyranny, for summun jus, summa injuria.
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