L and J Love Poetry: A lunar love♥️


L and J Love Poetry: A lunar love♥️

At a Moon port, a ship was moored
In its holds, millions of rose petals it transported
In the void space, robots activated
To disembark the precious cargo and then arrange it
To form on the visible face of the Earth
The largest and most senseless of flowerbeds.
The waltz continues of the intergalactic engines
Conveying the astronomical quantity of this floral matter.

The drawing took shape before the eyes of the Terrans
Who watched its progress from evening to dawn
Completed, every night on the Moon
Gigantic outlines of a nocturnal heart could be seen
Inside of which the petals wrote
Our names L. and J. by our initials.

Years earlier on the sand of Saint-Malo
I had written a similar love message
You had liked it, found it cute and appreciable
In poem, I make it bigger and higher.

Links to Another love poems: L et J Love Poetry: Ups and downs♥️ L and J Love Poetry: Where are you?♥️ L and J Love Poetry: The Wind Pushes Clouds♥️ L and J Love Poetry: Unjust love ♥️ L and J Love Poetry: A House in a tree♥️ L and J Love Poetry: The Palm of the hands♥️


Page Facebook: CoursJulien


Contact: lescoursjulien@yahoo.fr

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