Famous quotes explained: « Laws are always useful to those who possess and harmful to those who have nothing. », The Social Contract,Rousseau, 1762.


Famous quotes explained: « Laws are always useful to those who possess and harmful to those who have nothing. », The Social Contract,Rousseau, 1762.

In this quote from The Social Contract, the Enlightenment philosopher critiques the injustice of laws, which in his view, amplify inequalities. He returns to one of his recurring themes, that of property.

It may seem paradoxical to think that the law protects the most powerful. Logically, it should be a barrier against the increase of power of the strongest, a protection for the weakest. However, here Rousseau focuses on property, possessions.

If laws defend property, they defend property owners, and indeed, if they are not necessarily harmful, they at least appear useless for those who have nothing. Rousseau undoubtedly points out those who make the laws (at the time, mainly the monarchy and the aristocracy), as they themselves are rich and property owners, protecting themselves and their loved ones.

He underscores his argument with the adverb « always, » framing it as a timeless, universal truth, like a law.

Laws are always useful to those who possess and harmful to those who have nothing.

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