Famous quotes explained: « History is a novel that has been, the novel a story that could have been. », Edmond and Jules Goncourt.


Famous quotes explained: « History is a novel that has been, the novel a story that could have been. », Edmond and Jules Goncourt.

This quote from Edmond and Jules Goncourt, great naturalist writers and creators of the famous literary prize, is built on a chiasmus, a kind of parallelism that begins and ends with story and repeats novel in the middle. It reminds us of the imaginary nature of the novel through the use of the conditional: who could have been. The fictional novel does not belong to reality but can approach it.

The first part of the quote emphasizes the narrative that constitutes the story, with its characters, its events, and its twists. The story is novelistic because it stages human beings. However, it is real. The use of the past tense obviously differentiates historical reality from the unreality of the novel: a novel that has been.

The narrative and eventful richness of the story makes it a major source of inspiration for writers, especially those of the 19th century, who witness the political and social upheavals of that time.

History is a novel that has been, the novel a story that could have been.

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  1. Ping : Famous quotes explained: « One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman. » from The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir, 1949. - Les Cours Julien

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