L et J Love Poetry: I woke up thinking of you♥️
I woke up thinking of you
It came like a brilliant idea
Like a king’s crown
You seemed melodious and captivating.
Your smile was genuine
Your gestures simple and discreet
You were dressed in beauty
My heart felt so light.
We were just there
Just you and me Warm sunbeams
Were watering our beautiful fires
That were peacefully crackling
In the hearth of that moment.
Where are you my beauty?
Another poetry : L et J Love Poetry: Ups and downs♥️
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Contact: lescoursjulien@yahoo.fr
Ping : L et J Love Poetry: The tears of the heart.♥️ - Les Cours Julien
Ping : L and J Love Poetry: In the bed of our love♥️ - Les Cours Julien