L and J Love Poetry: If She had given me…♥️


L and J Love Poetry: If She had given me…♥️

If she had given me some lightness
She would have found my smile
We would have done silly things
Those that end with a kiss.

If she had given me some comfort
We would have found our beautiful times again
She would have been my engine once more
She would have overcome my fears.

If she had given me her body
I would have written before our decline
To awaken her sensuality
And make her lascivious to satisfaction.

If she had given me something to breathe
We would have found the inner fire
To ignite that great simplicity
That made us understand each other without speaking
Without reasoning.

Links to Another Love Poems: L and J Love Poetry: Your Flaws♥️L and J Love Poetry: Your faults♥️ L and J Love Poetry: Like a shiver♥️ L et J Love Poetry: Ups and downs♥️ L and J Love Poetry: That’s knowing and loving each other.♥️ L ans J Love Poetry: The story of a poet♥️ L and J Love Poetry: In a desert of golden sand♥️ L and J Love Poetry: A lunar love♥️ L and J Love Poetry: Where are you?♥️ L and J Love Poetry: The Wind Pushes Clouds♥️ L and J Love Poetry: Unjust love ♥️ L and J Love Poetry: A House in a tree♥️ L and J Love Poetry: The Palm of the hands♥️ L and J Love Poetry: Stealing a few extra moments ♥️ L and J Love Poetry: Understanding♥️ L and J Love Poetry: By chance♥️ L and J Love Poetry: In the bed of our love♥️ L ans J Love Poetry: On a frozen lake♥️ L and J Love Poetry: Patience♥️


Page Facebook: CoursJulien


Contact: lescoursjulien@yahoo.fr

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