L and J Love Poetry: The Palm of the hands♥️
The palm of the hands is an endless receptacle
Of pain, sweetness, bitterness, and warmth
It removes all the splinters from the heart
It draws in the invisible, venomous feelings.
The lines on the palms of the hands hold
Threads and paths of so many fates
Although bounded, it nourishes the far reaches
Of triumphant dream beginnings or insignificance.
The palm of the hands sculpts a universe
Between brutality and senseless tenderness
It grips with force or caresses drunkenly
It is both the place and the reverse.
The palm of the hands keeps touch
With memory for many years
And remains attached to anchor ports
When the lost ship seeks the lighthouse.
The palm of the hands encompasses a galaxy
Where the opposing stars are called belief and envy
In the palm of my hands, there is a spark
A small fire of joy, where wonders begin.
Links for Another poems: L and J Love Poetry: Stealing a few extra moments ♥️ L and J Love Poetry: Understanding♥️ L and J Love Poetry: By chance♥️ L and J Love Poetry: In the bed of our love♥️ L ans J Love Poetry: On a frozen lake♥️ L and J Love Poetry: Patience♥️ L and J Love Poetry: Don’t worry♥️ L et J Love Poetry: We had found each other ♥️ L et J Love Poetry: The tears of the heart.♥️ L et J Love Poetry: I woke up thinking of you♥️ L et J Love Poetry: Ups and downs♥️
Page Facebook: CoursJulien
Contact: lescoursjulien@yahoo.fr
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